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Sunnyfields Primary


Sunnyfields is a popular, award winning primary school and nursery set in extensive grounds.

We believe that children learn best when they are enjoying their lessons.              At Sunnyfields, we make learning fun. 

Our broad and balanced curriculum offers children exciting opportunities to become actively involved and responsible for their own learning.

We were the first Barnet school to receive the Level One Rights Respecting School Award and have since been awarded Gold. We have also been awarded Platinum for School Sports, the Gold Award for Sustainable Travel, Gold Healthy Status, the 360 Degrees Safe Online Safety Mark and, most recently, the Quality Mark for Science, Geography and Music.

As a Gold Rights Respecting school, we place children's rights at the heart of everything we do. Our pupils value the education they receive and are keen to achieve. All staff work hard to ensure excellent outcomes for all the children, with a firm commitment to support individuals to reach their potential. We are very proud of our school results which are above the national average for reading, writing, SPaG and maths for children working at expected levels and children working at greater depth at the end of Key Stage Two.

Over-subscribed, we are popular with the local community because we are a warm, welcoming school where children achieve. In 2018, Sunnyfields received commendation from the Mayor of London for the attainment of disadvantaged children and leaders were invited to the ‘Schools for Success’ presentation at City Hall. In 2020, Sunnyfields was congratulated by Nick Gibb, the Minister of State for School Standards because of our academic achievements in maths. In 2024, the Leadership Team were invited to Mansion House for the Leaders of Great Britain event to celebrate the fact that Sunnyfields is in the top 3% of primary schools in the country for progress in maths, top 8% for progress in reading and top 11% for progress in writing. 

However, we do not only focus on academic achievement. We also prioritise  children’s mental health and emotional well-being. Ambitious for our children, Sunnyfields got involved in one of the largest research projects in Europe with the goal to support integration and children’s well-being . Schools in England, Poland, Italy, Finland, Germany, Sweden and Belgium participated and Sunnyfields received highly complimentary feedback from the three English universities involved:

“The data collected suggest that teaching at Sunnyfields Primary School offers many examples of effective and innovative  education, in line with the best  practice across European schools”  Northampton University

A small school doing big things!

When we consulted children, staff, parents and governors in order to establish their hopes and dreams for the future of the school and develop a shared vision for Sunnyfields, a child remarked that Sunnyfields is 'a small school doing big things'.

This sums up our vision which is for Sunnyfields to be a school that delivers an exciting, well rounded curriculum where children and adults work collaboratively, aiming high and celebrating each other’s achievements. Through our inclusive approach, we foster tolerance and respect, challenging children to take ownership of their learning, nurturing them into lifelong learners.

Ms Lisa Meyer (B.Ed. HONS NPQH)